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ASTRO Gaming HDMI Adapter for Playstation 5

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ASTRO Gaming HDMI Adapter for Playstation 5

ASTRO Gaming HDMI Adapter for Playstation 5
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Product Description

Get the most out of your PlayStation 5 experience when using the MixAmp Pro TR, A50 Wireless + Base Station or A20 Wireless Headset Gen 1. The HDMI Adapter for PlayStation 5 enables full Game:Voice Balance on ASTRO Gaming devices that require an optical port. The Adapter is compatible with the following products:

MixAmp Pro TR Gen 4
MixAmp Pro TR Gen 3

A50 Base Station Gen 4
A50 Base Station Gen 3

A20 Wireless Headset Gen 1

  • HDMI 2.0b - HDMI 2.0b & HDCP compliant.The Adapter is compatible with the following products: MixAmp Pro TR Gen 4, MixAmp Pro TR Gen 3. A50 Base Station Gen 4, A50 Base Station Gen 3, A20 Wireless Headset Gen 1
  • 4k Ready - Passes through a 4k signal to allow you to take full advantage of your PlayStation 5.
  • Game:Voice Balance - Take full advantage of your A50s and MixAmp Pro by creating an optical signal for Game:Voice Balance
Package Contents:
 - HDMI adapter
 - HDMI cable
 - Micro-USB Cable
More Information
SKU GM1-1000-A00137-UG
Condition Seller Refurbished
UPC 640008809003

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